It’s the rapidity of this development that feels unnerving to me. I feel we are on a cliff edge, but feel the pendulum will finally start to swing the other way soon with the hand of the artist being cherished and treasured. I hope.

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I think it feels rapid to us but for those in the industry it’s been around a while. I read about MIT developing a generative AI chatbot in 1966! It does feel overwhelming right now though; every day there seems to be a new ai app & new ways of using ai. AI art is just very unsatisfying to make (at least i feel that way) so i don’t see drawing, painting, sculpture going away any time soon, in fact, like you say, maybe those disciplines will become even more cherished.

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Jacqueline Calladine

I saw a comment on an FB post... referring to someone who is a photographer but was posting AI artwork that looked very similar to his own style of photography but was not captured with his eye or hand (other than prompt words I guess). The comment was something to the effect of: Just because I go the McDonald's drive-through and order a Big Mac with tartar sauce doesn't make me chef.

That's exactly what it feels like: fast food art.

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Lol. You can actually upload your own imagery to AI and then ask it to create variations of it so the photographer may have been doing that. I’ve used my own paintings and got AI to manipulate them but honestly it’s just boring, there’s no enjoyment for me in that.

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