Jul 23Liked by Jacqueline Calladine

What lovely outdoor spaces! I'm so jealous. It's been an atrocious summer here in Wales and we have scarcely been in the garden. You are so right about the different interior in the brain that's created by the outdoors and maybe I'll get that chance later on this year. We are off to a music festival soon so even if it is the sound of rain on canvas at least it'll be a step closer to nature!

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I’ve had my fair share of wet holidays in Wales! And also some lovely ones too. I miss the hills and the sheep and the pubs! Having guaranteed dry weather during summer is a game changer and I never take it for granted. You’re off to WOMAD, right? Have a wonderful time x

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Jul 23Liked by Jacqueline Calladine

Lovely space. And yes, the western-northern US is getting its share of sun this year! Friends in Portland are ecstatic!

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And it’s not TOO hot either so I’m able to get some gardening done. Whereabouts are you?

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It’s a beautiful space - I wish I were nearer. I too love to work outside and am possibly allergic to walls!!!

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Jul 29Liked by Jacqueline Calladine

Walt Whitman said "I loafe and I invite my soul..."

It is when we are at rest that we are most in touch with what is truly and uniquely us. I actually have this quote included on a new quilted piece I'm working on!

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So true. When I work too hard at a drawing or painting, it ends up looking like somebody else's work. I correct all my 'errors' - all the stuff that makes the work uniquely mine. Can't wait to see your quilt!

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