I love this consolidation post and my kombucha. I also had a custard cream xx

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May 28Liked by Jacqueline Calladine

I used to brew kombucha and had the same experience. I’m sure there are still remnants somewhere, even though it’s probably been over a decade. I also love these cards! I’ve been traveling almost all month, so I’m just catching up on my favorite reads — I’ll have to make one of those cards for myself even if I don’t share it. At the moment I’m finding that my creative out-it has shifted waaaaaay over to the written word and culinary creativity. I almost never paint anymore. I think my weekly writing practice, as well as having to cook every meal myself since being diagnosed with Crohn’s two-and-a-half years ago, both take so much creative energy I find that I barely have time or inspiration for other creative pursuits. So, in reading that post I can feel all sorts of imposter syndrome stuff coming up. I’ve even turned down several commissions this year because I just don’t have time or energy to create in that way — but I also feel that I haven’t given it up or let it go or moved beyond it. I think the heroix card might be a good way to reframe that when I get back home in June. In any case, it’s definitely got my mind stirring…

And on that note: here’s my writing: https://erickcarr.substack.com/

This has been such a lovely morning, catching up on some of your posts in Sedona, Arizona, after being in New York. Thank you for all of the thought, creativity, encouragement, and provocation you bring. I thought of you when I got to see Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party at the Brooklyn Museum a few weeks ago. What a joy.

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I hear you on the cooking Eric. I have some complicated health issues which I won’t bore you with but I’m trying to control them with diet which means i’m currently eating a vegan, no added oils, gluten free diet. I eat like a squirrel. I have to make every meal from scratch and it’s made me realise that REALLY looking after myself is a full time job, and that we all need to be living in communes so we can share the burden. I would love to have walked around Judy Chicago’s exhibition with you! What a treat to see her work in real life. I’m so appreciative of you being here x

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Jun 4Liked by Jacqueline Calladine

Wow! I’m also vegan and gluten-free, and tomorrow I have some medical imaging so I wasn’t allowed to have any fats today. I guess I got to get a feeling for your dietary needs — and now that I’m reading this I am annoying a fantasy about a like-minded cooking commune. For dinner I made gluten-free pasta with frozen tofu and veggies simmered in a broth reduction and it turned out great. I realize that I’ve been relying on fatty foods way too long. Lots and lots of nuts and oils in my diet, plus vegan treats that are in no way healthy (Ben and Jerry’s even makes vegan ice cream now). I have a feeling I’ll be developing a culinary repertoire that might be safe for you, as I start shifting toward a lot less fat in my diet.

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I would love to share recipes. There’s a lot of unhealthy vegan fast food now. In London there are even vegan fast food burger chains. I’ve fallen into that path before and I fool myself I’m eating right for my body, which I’m not. Have you seen The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show on YouTube? They have books too. What that woman can do with a can of garbanzo beans is incredible!

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May 29Liked by Jacqueline Calladine

Yay! Cheers!! xoxo

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